Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Northern Tunisia, sea and mountain


When you think of North Africa as a desert area make a mistake, as evidenced by these three regions
northern Tunisia
In previous centuries Tell Rif mountain ranges of the Atlas mountains and created a spectacular and difficult terrain. With an index of rainy days per year extremely high for what is usual in Tunisia, we are faced with green forests near Tabarka. lush landscapes that surprise us their rarity and beauty. The Atlas Mountains along the northern coast die of Tunisia, a sweet death magnifies the grandeur of the area. In this report we cross the three main cities: Bizerte, Tabarka and Ain Draham.

As mentioned, the northern region of Tunisia is characterized by lush landscapes, more like northern Mediterranean than the rest of the country, Sahara desert climate. Here we find the pure, clean beauty of the mountains fall into the Mediterranean Sea. The coast is rugged and wild, with small coves and secluded beaches good coast and sea. As there, we may combine tourism, sports and nature. Our

journey begins in Bizerte, between the lake of the same name and the sea, just 64 miles north of the capital, Tunis. Like most Mediterranean cities were inhabited by different people until the Arabs took it, giving it the name "Ben ZERT." In the sixteenth century pirates favorite port and therefore a source of conflict between Turkish and English. Years of war and misery until in 1609 he received the immigration of many families of the Moors expelled from Spain. Since then, with the increase of the population, also increased its importance. French protectorate from 1881 until independence in 1956, was vital strategic point in the Second World War because of its naval base. Today, Bizerte is a modern, industrial, commercial and full of places for leisure and recreation.

We cross the Medina and Puerto Viejo, and stroll through its streets at dusk when the fishermen arrive to moor their boats and sell their products. The scenery is splendid and very evocative. In Kasba, walled district we get lost in the maze of arches and narrow streets with a medieval fortress that once guarded the entrance to the port. Faced with the Kasba, across the port is a restored building in 1987 that contains an aquarium and boat models, is the Oceanographic Museum. It has a nice view from the terrace. At the top of a hill with a magnificent view across the city and the sea, we arrived at Fort Spain, used as outdoor theater. Bizerte around you can visit the "Cap Blanc" the northernmost point of the entire African continent Ichkeul Park, declared by UNESCO "Biosphere Reserve", Utica, with archaeological remains of the first Phoenician colony in North Africa, founded in the twelfth century a. C. Very near the ruins of Utica, we find the charming village of Al Andalus Kalaat inhabited by the Moors expelled from Spain in the seventeenth century.

Tabarka is an ideal place for pampering. It is becoming a renowned seaside resort, whilst retaining the charm of a quiet fishing port. Protected by mountains and pine forests that reach the sea, stand in our way to the famous "needle", monolithic forms headlands. Tabarka was very important in the trade of marble and cork as well as for its craftsmanship of red coral. Is a must-buy coral jewelry. We visit the island (now peninsula) where there is strong Genoese and enjoy the exceptional views over the coast. For diving enthusiasts, Tabarka is a paradise. Is related to the island off the coast Tabarca Alicante of the English east, it was here where Tabarquino 600 refugees settled in 1768.
has a strong hotel capacity, an international airport, a marina, golf, diving centers, thalassotherapy, hydrotherapy, horse riding, etc. In summer, Tabarka offers music festivals of all kinds to make it a privileged destination for music lovers, loyal to each of the annual meetings of these festivals: Festival de Jazz, World Music Festival, Music Festival America, and the Festival du Raï. All of them, between the months of July through September.

In Ain Draham cents when we give thought to be in northern Africa is drought are all wrong. Draham Ain is a city built by French settlers, although of a Tunisian. Aquí, a casi 1000 metros por encima del nivel de mar, se encuentran espacios verdes y amplios bosques que rodean la ciudad, un lugar obligado, si ha venido a conocer Túnez, y donde puede disfrutar del paisaje, dedicarse a la caza, y si is making her visit during the winter, to see snow and not many places in Africa where you can enjoy this weather phenomenon. The forest around the town of Ain Draham belongs to the Mountains "Khroumirie" where the oak is the dominant tree. Part of the attraction is no doubt the wild boar from the month of May. The region has the highest rainfall in the country, and as we said, in winter, snow can reach one meter in height.

region of contrasts, calm and exciting, with beautiful landscapes and places of entertainment in all its aspects, north of Tunis will be waiting with open arms. Locals friendly, affordable prices and good weather are other pluses. Highly recommended.



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