Monday, November 3, 2008

Fishsticks South Park Streaming


Voila, this blog is coming to an end, my volunteer ends in January.
I hope you had fun reading me in court this year.
you soon,


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Brazilian Wax Jacksonville Fl

project ....

The bread oven project is abandoned for several reasons. Before beginning construction of clay walls, the j'aurrai start by building a true protective roof. A Bad Oldesloe the weather changes very regularly and so we Souvant rain. The construction outside can be done during a period of great heat, it allows the walls to take time to dry. The regularly changing time the walls have dried and therefore almost never are still very fragile.

During the Holiday school for neighborhood children enjoyed themselves to "destroy" one of the last walls I had built. Since the beginning of September the weather has changed dramatically and now I have more motivation to continue this project.

Start a new project ...

My new project is to create a social network like FaceBook for non-profit organizations working in the field of ecology. The goal is to provide a range of tools (calendar, publication of photo and video management, collaborative work, etc.) enabling them to set up projects European. This network will also be accessible to persons wishing to make a voluntary (FÖJ, EVS, etc.) within an organization. Project will be conducted jointly with other European organizations. So I start looking for organization interested in working on this project ... So I make a work of prospecting ...

To facilitate communication about the project I created a forum and a space where organizations interested in the project can register to participate in rally preparation ( European Voluntary Network ). This meeting aims to present the social network excist and define the methods of the project.

In parallel, with the help of Joern, I made a record of grant application to the European Youth Foundation. The European Youth Foundation is a foundation created by the Council of Europe whose goal is to financially support European projects.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kidney Infections More Condition_symptoms

EVS seminar in Witzenhausen ... Multi-pen! :-)

Voili voilou ... it's been nine months that I am in Germany so I have participated is my new European seminar which took place from September 25 to 29 in Witzenhausen a small town near Kassel south of Hannover.

Größere Kartenansicht

Excellent seminar where everyone had the opportunity to present his project and participate in games and workshops during the day "open space".

"Open space" is a type of meeting where everyone is free to present and establish his workshop.

This week was also an opportunity for me to realize that my German evolved, I was able to understand that 90% of what was said at the seminar (which was of course in German ...).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Should You Wax Before Or After A Shower?

Please continue .... :-)

Neue Freiwilligers Schlafzimmern

Soon as we prepare to welcome new volunteers (EVS) and FÖJ. We are therefore pursuing the development of new traveaux rooms.

The walls are still built with a mixture of clay and straw.


Last week I finished the stone floor. It took me quite some time play to be a puzzle ... Today I made the mold used to build the supporting wall of the oven bread.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Infections In Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

Hello ... Now I have to wake me ... :-)

me now re-of abscence after a few months during which I must admit, I went through some very difficult ...

During these few months I have participated in a seminar on the clay, the realization of a hotel for bee and a seminar on alternative energies.


seminar The seminar was organized by a friend of Joern, Renata, who has a business of green building. Renata and adult education center organized a day of exploring the use of clay as building materials.

It was a very nice day I could share with Joern, his family but also with other people interested in green building.
We learned how to make a good mixture of clay / sand to make stones. The principle is similar to the patisserie for Food lovers, I think you know how to make a good batter to cake ... bin for the clay / sand is the same thing.

I met some difficulties in quickly optenir materials I needed to start the oven, and then drag it on for several months.


The village Joern organized for May 1 a game where we had a festival booth. Rodrigo, a voluntary European Portuguese had built a windmill for the occasion. We participated in the construction of a hotel in bee.

Construction of the hotel Bee

Rodrigo's Alternative Energy Seminar

Rodrigo held with other European NGOs a seminar on alternative energy (wind, hydro, solar, biogas, biodiesel). The seminar was held the first two weeks of June The objective was to share our knowledge on the differences existing ecological means to produce energy. During the seminar, the mornings were usually spent at conferences. In the afternoon, for each will participate in a workshop setting (construction of a wind manufacture of Bio Diesel).


Explanation of the operating principle of a solar shower

This seminar welcomed participants from across Europe (Lethon, Bulgaria, Portugal, France, Czech Republic, Romania ...). A visit from a local Bio Gas was orgnisée better understand the process of manufacturing of Bio Gas. Bio gas is produced from fermented mesh-isse (I have no umlauts on German keyboard for the "i" ;-)).


Größere Kartenansicht

During a weekend, we went on the island of Pellworm located in northwestern Germany. This island was the first big "fields" of solar panels in Europe.

There is also the presence of wind (yes! Look carefully in the background of the photo ...). This island is truly magnificent. I found the place very peaceful, we could make cycling was really nice.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Clogged Arteries More Condition_symptoms

The construction of form in mudstone

It's fine to go to seminars, going to school, from all over Germany to meet with volunteers .... AC project but question is where??

Ah yes the project .... :-) I ais we will not already mentioned in my previous post? :-) ... Just before I left for Germany I thought that building a bread oven would be a good idea. This summer I have participated in the construction of Viel Audon where I learned to make bread using a bread oven. Being a great lover of good bread and good food I why not?. When I arrived at the UPJ in the volunteer house I saw that we had neighbors from different backgrounds and I thought that building a bread oven would allow them to be found "fireside" to exchange their culinary specialty. This oven can be used égelemt at seminars organized by the summer :-) JUP

What type of bread oven constuire will I choose? If I chose the UPJ as EVS project is that I am very interested in green building. So I decided to build a bread oven with natural materials such as, stone, clay, straw and sand.

the first stones laid on the ground should not be clay as on days of rain water seeps into the stone when it dries and cracks may appear. I'll use the stones of clay for the party who will bear the bread oven. Before beginning construction of the stone clay I will make a mold that will allow me to create several at once.

manufacturing mold for the clay stones

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Throat Infection More Condition_symptoms

Do you speak German?

Nein! Ich nicht sprecher Deutsche ...

Yesterday I was able to attend my first German course at the Volkshochschulen I waited impatiently. At the Volkshochschulen one little follow language courses, music and painting, for example. The pronunciation of the name of this school is still very difficult ... try you'll understand ;-).

I'm in a class where there are people come from all walks (Belarus, Poland, Turkey, Kosovo, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka). The first course was learning phrases (and question) of presentations such as give his name and say what city you came from. Wie heißen Sie

, und kommen Sie woher? Ich heiße
Pascal und ich komme aus Frankreich, aus Valencia.

What's nice is that the teacher does not speak in a language other than German. It has many scenes audio stream is important ca can be done at the sound of the German language. There is also little exercises where we talk about us, it's funny we all have some trouble speaking or understanding of the exercise :-)

Today we had a new teacher who has many humor. Our course was for the conjugation verbs, the reading of the alphabet, recognition of vowels and consonants.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lexus Part 89467-48011

Clairvoyant triumphant

Tug Port of Bees, built in 1999.
Assigned port of Dunkirk

Liver Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Tug Port of Bees, built in 1999. Assigned to the port of Dunkirk

South Park Fish Sticks Stream

Bee Risban

Port Tug, ex-Bee No. 15, built in 1988. Assigned to the port of Dunkirk (Nord)

South Park Stream Fishsticks

Pilotine XI and XIV

Port of Dunkirk (Nord)

Prostatitis More Condition_symptoms

Speed Ferries

rapid transit passenger catamaran Boulogne-Dover

Holcom Shower Enclosures

Thor R

dredge Port in Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nasal Cancer More Condition_symptoms

change in the bedroom

Petite very quiet day and complete. We have prepared the clay and the clay / straw to rebuild the wall of my room. Indeed, we build a new room (pictured above) so we decided to move the door of my room (photo below). Time work so I occupy a room located on the "autobahn from the fridge natural" :-)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Signs Of Aids More Condition_symptoms

return to the house

The two-week seminar allowed us to learn more about Europe and the Germany in which we participated in a variety of games and workshops. We took advantage of the days of free time to visit Cologne, Bonn and Maastricht. Throughout the seminar I could improve my understanding of German but also to learn a few words. It is not easy because I am learning German through English.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tropical Diseases More Condition_symptoms

Next stop ... Walberberg ...

A little over a month has passed and I am going in a small town called Walberberg located south of Cologne to attend my seminar arrived. Each volunteer Europen must attend three seminars, one at the start (1 week), on arrival (2 weeks) and last (1 week) is located in the middle of volunteerism. The last seminar I think is for long term volunteers, to confirm. This seminar will help me build a social network with other volunteers I meet.

Größere Kartenansicht

Regarding my evolution Jugend Umwelt Projektwerkstatt (JUP), everything goes well, I'm progressing slowly in English and I began to understand some things in German. My course is the theoretical beginning volkshoschule early March and my language courses should be every morning. I await the letter from the school for confirmation.
At UPJ, my project is to produce a bread oven with ecological materials. This furnace will be installed outside the home and may also be used by the neighbors who come from different backgrounds and different orgine.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hemmaroids More Condition_symptoms

Do you know the male

The castle is situated men in the village with the same name, east of the city of Bruges in Belgium.
The first castle at this location was probably built in the 9th century. It consisted of a tower and moated timber that served as a refuge against the Vikings.

A stone castle was built here in the 12th century by Filip van den Elzas, in Flanders. The castle was dedicated in 1166 by Thomas Moore, Archbishop of Canterbury, and served mainly to court for the accounts of Flanders.

During the French occupation the castle was garrisoned by French soldiers who were expelled by the army in the city of Bruges in 1302. In 1382 the castle was taken and consequently destroyed by the townspeople of Ghent. The castle was rebuilt only to be besieged and plundered again by the townspeople of Ghent in 1453. Still the castle was rebuilt, only to burn to the ground in 1472. The castle was rebuilt and livelihoods, the oldest part of the castle that now serves gate tower, dates from this time. In 1490 the castle was looted and damaged again, this time by the troops of Nassau account. During

English occupation the castle was bought by a English knight, Juan Lopez Gallo in 1558. Therefore, until the 20th century, the castle was more or less forgotten and passed through the hands of several noble families.

During the two world wars the castle was occupied by German soldiers. When they left the castle was in a ruinous state.

Its last owner nobleman, Baron de Pélichy Gillès, handed the castle over to the nuns of the Convent of St Trudo at Bruges in 1953. The nuns entered the castle a year later. A complete restoration followed that eventually in 1972.

Currently the castle is still used as a convent. It can be visited, but it was closed when I was there.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


castle I visited the tower in 2005.

Limont tower is located in the center of the village of Limoges, west of the city of Luik (Liège or French) in Belgium. It is also known as the "Knight's Tour", which translates to knight's tower.

About 1150, the reasons for the tower was purchased by Limont Libert of Warfusée for his son, the Chevalier Robert de Limoges. And the tower probably dates from the 12th or early The late 13th century. That any historical information that I had to find capable, so if you know more, please sends me!
is a tower house built out of flint with limestone corners. He had jumped a barrel cellar and an entrance at the first floor.

Currently the tower is in very ruinous. When I visited, the two people who have granted access, were occupied with some sort of consolidation work, I guess. And it needs something wrong turn or it will crumble right away.

The tower is located on private land with a house that is built cons him, so it is not accessible. But he can easily see the public highway.

Above the connection between old and new.
Below a closer look at the former entrance to the subsistence level and first floor to the current entrance at ground level.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Christianbook Coupon 2009

The beginning,,,

I'm back ... so I took the train Thursday as planned we're going by cities like Brussels, Liege, Dortmunt, Bremen and Hamburg. My train ticket being Paris -> Hamburg Hamburg (overnight trip) I am in Hamburg Hamburg dessendu. After a few moments of galleries request a ticket for Bad Oldesloe I took the train to Hamburg HBF (which is the main station) and then change trains to go to Bad Oldesloe. When I arrived in Hamburg I could clearly appreciate the traditional houses, it's really beautiful. I really like a load mulle. Upon arrival, the volunteer was waiting quietly (I was on time ca va :-)) The volunteer house is two steps away from Bad Oldesloe (well it overcharged a stop ...). It's a big house where I have my chmbres very nice (my bunk and a sofa bed in the AC can be used in times of celebration or am too tired I would venture to ascend it does not never know ;-)). Food issue, they are good or KJBI they put everything they could find. German courses for it every day (3 hours for 5 months). It is also near the house an association that organizes anti-faschiste 2 times a month I think concerts and regulirement small soirees. A bientot