Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shoulder Tendonitis More Condition_symptoms


Our Lady of the Guard, also known locally as "Good Mother" is a minor basilicas of the Catholic Church. It is located on a rocky peak of 149 meters south of the Old Port Marseille, elevated 13 meters through walls and foundations of an ancient fort.

The ravages of time but also those of man (the Second World War in particular) had indeed degraded the building both outside inside. Of major renovation work was committed in 2001, they lasted 3 years.

The originality of Notre Dame de la Garde is that it is a monument that belongs to the diocese of Marseilles. At the time of the 1905 Act, the majority of church properties were confiscated, returned to local churches and cathedrals in the state. But "The Good Mother" has escaped this distribution, because it was built on land belonging to the navy. When Navy decommissioning the site and wants to separate from the building, so it's the diocese of Marseilles who inherits. So, the Good Mother is not classified a historical monument and therefore receives no subsidy from the state.

In 1995, a windy Sunday, a stone three pounds fell from the tower, c is the alarm and, after an initial purge has increased by 400 kg of stone from the facade and extensive studies, it becomes clear that the Good Mother is very sick!

The problem is on the public square, the General Council is committed, and a week later, the city council has voted a subsidy. Individuals have rapidly contributed 12 to 13 million francs. Until the end of the restoration, "the source of donations will not dry up which is probably unique in terms of restoration of heritage .

Built by architect Henry Espérandieu in the Romano-Byzantine and dedicated June 5, 1864, it replaced a chapel of the same name built in 1214 and rebuilt in the fifteenth century. Built on the foundations of a fort built by the sixteenth century Francis I in 1536 to withstand the siege of Charles V, the basilica has two parts: a lower church, or crypt, carved into the rock and the Romanesque style, and- above a high church-style Romanesque Byzantine decorated with mosaics.

On top of a square tower 41 meters high topped itself a kind of tower of 12.5 meters which serves as a pedestal, stands a monumental statue of 11.2 feet of the Virgin and Child made of copper with gold leaf.

The stone used for construction, especially the green from near Florence, having proved sensitive to atmospheric corrosion, it was necessary to undertake from 2001 to 2008 a long and careful restoration.

In Marseille, Notre-Dame de la Garde is traditionally regarded by the public as the guardian and protector of the city.

The court offers a panoramic view throughout Liverpool, including Old Port,

la cathédrale de la Major,

Fort St Nicolas,

and surrounding hills.

Restoration also focused on the renovation of the mosaics, damaged during the Liberation by bullet holes and blackened over time by the smoke of candles.

The inside dimensions of the upper church are quite modest. The nave has a length of 32.7 m. and a width of 14 m. Each side chapel measuring 3.8 m. by 5.4 m. Inside the upper church is the triumph of the polychrome with magnificent mosaics and marble columns and pilasters with alternating red and white colors. If the white Carrara marble was needed, in contrast to the red choice was very difficult. The architect wanted a Espérandieu red shade to match the tiles and not too sharp with the white Carrara marble.

The mason Jules Cantini made the discovery at a place called "the beautiful stones" on the commune of La Celle near Brignoles (Var) of a deposit of red marble marbled yellow and white, receiving a fine polish, which agreed perfectly. For the upper parts is stucco, that is to say of reconstituted marble, which was adopted.

The mosaic ceilings and walls with the developed surface is about 1 200 m2 were conducted from 1886 to 1892 the company moved to Mora Nimes. The tiles that came from Venice, were manufactured by craftsmen at the top of their game. Each panel contains nearly 10,000 tiles per m2, accounting for about 12 million basilica plaid January-February cm2.

To restore the luster to the "Good Mother" inseparable symbol of the city, Marseille Michel Patrizio changed 10 000 damaged tiles. For the renovation is as perfect as possible, this little son of a craftsman who settled in Friuli in Marseille in 1903 drove home the Venetian manufacturers who supplied the base material during its construction in 1880. He said "these are the most beautiful mosaics world by the fineness of execution. "

Friday, January 7, 2011

Inflamatory Breast Cancer More Condition_symptoms


Little work done on a MUTCH photo of a friend the dog for a contest on the Net



Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sore Stomach More Condition_symptoms

Présentation du livre de Ridha Mami: "The poet morisco.De Rojas Zorrilla the secret author of a comedy about Muhammad"

At the invitation of the English University Foundation (EUF) and editions Pygmalion, was held last December 21 in Madrid, a meeting presenting the work of the Tunisian academic Ridha Mami: "El poeta morisco.De Rojas Zorrilla al Author de una comedia sobre secreto Mahoma.

In establishing the original manuscript, Ridha Mami reveals that this piece, attributed to De Rojas Zorilla, was composed in the early seventeenth century, a Moorish poet, deliberately anonymous, as it defends Islam and the prophet Mohammad in response to De Rojas Zorrilla himself, who disparaged Muslims in an earlier eponymous. The book is part of the bitter religious controversy that pitted Christians and Muslims in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, the golden age of English literature.

University and author Ridha Mami is a professor at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities Manouba. Specialist literature epic Morisco, he has published several studies and translations. There is also a member of the International Association of Semiotics, the International Association of Hispanic and deputy director of the magazine "Fragmenta. Chaired by Professor Gustavo Villapalos Salas, director of the FUE, the event was graced by the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ridha Kechrid, Tunisian Ambassador in Madrid, and Juan Gonzales-Barba, writer and Director General at the English Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition to Professor Ridha Mami and the book's publisher, Mr. Basilio Rodriguez Cañada, also attended the presentation session, Professor José Ignacio Ruiz Rodriguez, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Alcala and that Professor Chokri Mabkhout, Dean of the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities Manouba.


Monday, January 3, 2011

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الفلامنكو .. وجهة نظر من المشرق العربي

Mazen local
flamenco ... art is controversial, exciting the enthusiasm and gladness, manages people's heads in the East and West, In the North and South alike, flock of tourists, for which artists and researchers from the physical and spiritual comfort from all over the world to the region in sunny southern Spain Nahla current home of the original (depending on what is believed) and enjoy all that is new - old, and then return to their homes has enriched the artistic and spiritual wealth of their material as long as there is rarely dry Heart beats on the surface of this planet and as long as there is music and songs flow ring in the air in our world weary.

of us have not heard - even once in his life - click veteran musician's fingers On the strings of those magical machine (guitar)? Or watching flamenco dancers who spun super flexible about themselves and knocking on the ground boots-many high-rhythm in tune with The rhythm of the original melody? Who has not magic strikes castanets played by the fingers supported the melody is almost out of the parties to fingertips? Finally one of us has not been affected (negatively or positively) Balahat deep Sincere graduated from the throats of the performers and endowed with all the feelings to give the singer and the words meaning full?.

Much has been written about the art of flamenco languages mostly outlandish, unfortunately, origin, and its inception, Etymology and meaning, its spread and development, and argued a variety of nations for him and locked horns. Tjazpt honor of his birth and having grown up in and sponsorship, which is free like a bird refused to give any nation or people of a certain feature incubation To be finally settled primarily by the (admittedly) in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and in the region now known as the "Andalusia's currently the English State.

Is this a coincidence? Is the name of "Andalusia" a certain significance in regards to the art of flamenco? ... Do you actually grew up in that area along with the art of "Alvado" (1) the Portuguese, who shared the western part (the District of South West of the Iberian Peninsula?, And if that were true, does the Flamenco (f Alvado also) related to these eight centuries (and possibly more) of the Arab-Islamic civilization radiation Those that prevailed in the Andalusian region of the Middle Ages?

story of flamenco - as we shall see later - the story of an important chapter in the history of human civilization, fads in thought and art, knowledge and belief, while solution Tolerance and justice, and produced a desolate and backward, poverty and starvation while solving bigotry, ignorance and greed of individual whereabouts ..... Let's start with the story ...

Note: special thanks to Dr. Mazen local cities, which in this article important

Source: Moriscos in Tunisia

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms

1492, l'Intifada d'Espagne et l'expulsion des juifs ...

1492, les rois très Catholic reign over Spain and, for the culmination of the Reconquista, decided to expel all Muslims and Jews in the Kingdom. It is noted that the Arabs are the undisputed experts in agriculture and livestock, they have complete control of orchards, vegetable huertas and they feed the whole Andalusia.

Jews, mostly urban, dominate the trade and commerce in all its forms, have links and contacts throughout Europe and the eastern half of the Mediterranean.

The cohorts will be deported on board of ships that will take them to Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
I want to tell you that this influx of people, well above the average of the local host, did not happen smoothly.

They occupied the Cap Bon, enriched by its development, they settled in the valley by creating Medjerda Tebourba and other cities, introducing the famous manufacturing technique of the fez, province of Arab Andalusia.

I myself had the opportunity long ago to visit Fuller, powered by water from the river at a place called El Batanes near Tébourba, which provided these hairstyles of white wool before dyeing. The

Kalaat el Andlousse blooming in the north of Tunisia, near Grombalia. An entire city, Testour, will be created by refugee Jews and Muslims. Only remained in Andalusia that those who agreed to recant and receive baptism.

Jews are known under the term Conversos and Marranos, Muslims and then under that of Mudejar Moriscos and the two newly Christianized communities after 1495 form the bulk of christianos nuovos.

This will not happen without friction or conflicts developed between 1499 and 1551 there was a real local uprisings against the abuses the former Jews and Muslims were subjected. The Jewish minority went quickly into the mold. it had no country to which they take refuge in contrast to Muslims that the retreat was assured of Turkey in Morocco ... It then adopted as his new religion and more harm than good, but eventually emerged from them and will do the same English clergy of famous cardinals and archbishops, approached the aristocracy, slipped in the English grandees, such as the Dukes of Medina Sidonia. I heard on Arte

the current Duchess of Medina Sidonia, a very charming lady sporting answer the question the reporter on its possible origins and distant Jewish "With that I raise the nose so obviously you dare ask me that question? "While laughing out loud.

This was not at all the attitude of the community of Moriscos. They still dream of the last Arab-Muslim kingdom of Granada, the last place of Muslim greatness that King was expelled Boabdil to the Maghreb, to the point that the dream of freeing the "occupied territories" took shape on Christmas Day 1568. The vast

Spain Intifada had started.
Tonight sacred to Christians saw him enter Graining sixty agitators, jihadists before the letter, and go around the neighborhoods Moriscos of the city, including the Albaicin. They came out again

3000, determined to do battle on behalf of Islam, this intifada has spread throughout the kingdom of Granada. Ronda quickly caught fire, and several other places Bentomiz concentration of these Nuovos Christianos who never abandoned nor Muslim, nor tradition, nor hope of Reconquista.

They all retreated into the Sierra de Los Alpajurras, hostile, inaccessible. They sowed, put in value because it was necessary to ensure food for this population. The skirmishes ending always in favor of the Arabs, and real racers Djebels Raiders Christian cattle. Christians and the plains to the mountains ... Moriscos

As they needed a leader, it was Abu Houmaya they chose a kind of Yasser Arafat, more noble.
contacts with Algiers were numerous (Algiers supplying arms and ammunition to insurgents ... it remind you of anything?) And with the Turk. The Turk was sending and receiving ambassadors, double blow to him because it allowed him to worry Philip 2 of Spain's fleets preparing to take over the Christian islands of the eastern Mediterranean ...

He had to move fast now that the threat of Iran loomed ... Er ... sorry, Turkey ...

It was quickly crushed and Hizballah Nasrallah ... Oops ... Crush Abu Houmaya and his bands, Masters of the Mountain. The King entrusted the management to his most valiant soldier, Don Juan of Austria (the future conqueror of Lepanto) and the case was heard in six months.

Intifada lasted nearly two years ... Famine due to lack of wheat helped ... Abu Houmaya was betrayed by a close for a few thousand ducats, made and executed, the remaining Moriscos were deported en masse and in Castile.
But few homes have rekindled

... So the decision was taken Final drive out of Spain's Moriscos ...

was, in the opinion of the Council of the King, the only solution to observe the face of those who were called Traidor! Who the Catholic religion had brought nothing, and for good reason: religion at that time was a form of nationality. Earth Christian Christian worth nationality, as a Muslim in Muslim lands.

Jews themselves will have to wait 354 years to play with Big. The realization of this measure will take 5 years ... From 1609 to 1614. Spain had offered in 1492 Nationality (conversion) or departure. As a small country that tried to integrate these non-Jewish citizens.

Much had then left Spain. Those who remained ... Despite their benefits were granted, such Kupat Olim, could no longer be trusted. The evidence became more and more radiant.
demographics of cities such as Ronda toppled completely. More

can continue. And two years of intifada and had definitely exacerbated them up against popular sentiment.

It's crazy that examples of past history can inform current situations ...

Source: JSSNews