Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Présentation du livre de Ridha Mami: "The poet morisco.De Rojas Zorrilla the secret author of a comedy about Muhammad"

At the invitation of the English University Foundation (EUF) and editions Pygmalion, was held last December 21 in Madrid, a meeting presenting the work of the Tunisian academic Ridha Mami: "El poeta morisco.De Rojas Zorrilla al Author de una comedia sobre secreto Mahoma.

In establishing the original manuscript, Ridha Mami reveals that this piece, attributed to De Rojas Zorilla, was composed in the early seventeenth century, a Moorish poet, deliberately anonymous, as it defends Islam and the prophet Mohammad in response to De Rojas Zorrilla himself, who disparaged Muslims in an earlier eponymous. The book is part of the bitter religious controversy that pitted Christians and Muslims in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, the golden age of English literature.

University and author Ridha Mami is a professor at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities Manouba. Specialist literature epic Morisco, he has published several studies and translations. There is also a member of the International Association of Semiotics, the International Association of Hispanic and deputy director of the magazine "Fragmenta. Chaired by Professor Gustavo Villapalos Salas, director of the FUE, the event was graced by the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ridha Kechrid, Tunisian Ambassador in Madrid, and Juan Gonzales-Barba, writer and Director General at the English Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition to Professor Ridha Mami and the book's publisher, Mr. Basilio Rodriguez Cañada, also attended the presentation session, Professor José Ignacio Ruiz Rodriguez, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Alcala and that Professor Chokri Mabkhout, Dean of the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities Manouba.



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