A research project recovers the memory of the expelled Muslims and who kept her hidden identity not to be exiled. Two years is the period within which a scientific team from the University of Cordoba, Granada, Seville, Murcia, Extremadura, Fatih Istanbul UNED and hopes to see published the first encyclopedia devoted to the Andalusian Moriscos expelled from Spain in 1609. Coordinated by UCO professor Enrique Soria Bureau, the project of excellence "Origins of Multicultural Andalusia. Integration and rejection of the Moors ", encouraged by the Ministry of Economy, maintains an open line of investigation by which already have been able to document how thousands of Andalusians chose to hide their identity in order to continue living in their country.
Among the dozens of strains of hidden Moorish kingdom of Granada, Soria has been discovered in recent years, there are numerous silk merchants, doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, notaries and even clergy. The study in the realms of Córdoba, Jaén and Sevilla also had to spend many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Moors. Some regions did so with permission, others hidden, changing and sometimes place name, many were protected by local authorities, who needed to work the land and crafts, many had to return after being expelled in a drip impossible to quantify.
Finally, a good percentage of lawsuits raised to the various courts of the time, avoid getting the most over the years the expulsion orders.
recovery all that history will now be possible thanks to the work of researchers also analyzed the daily life of the Moors between 1570 and 1610, ie from being expelled from the kingdom of Granada by Philip II and scattered in different cities and towns of Andalusia, and his final exile by order of Felipe III. In this sense, the first published results point to a surprising capacity for adaptation to the environment by the Moorish town, which in some cases, even in abject poverty and amid a climate of ethnic and religious rejection, and gradually got thrive. The most skillful and lucky they managed to accumulate in these scarce forty years considerable fortunes, becoming prosperous merchants or landlords de tierras y de rentas.
Fuente: Teleprensa
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