Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Anemia Condition_symptoms

GPS & Castles Belgium

Tours Castle GPS it would be difficult to find as a tourist, why GPS Castle Tours? The Castle Tour GPS will come out! It all started in February when we made a little excursion to the castle for EveryTrail. Then we did a tour of the castle of GPS for location of TravelByGPS.com Doug Adomatis.

Since we are excited about geocoding photos. So we began to study the matter and discover that in principle it is simple, but not all advise given is correct and the different programs offer different levels of sophistication and comfort. RoboGEO We reviewed several programs, have read all the help files and manuals, and finally we found a program that does everything, that makes it okay and explains things properly. His name is RoboGEO. This program has so many possibilities and is still very simple with a user interface very intuitive.

Various projects :

Once a project is saved, all the legends of Exif headers and photo are saved with him and we have many different opportunities to present our project to the outside world . We can export a Web page or a Google map export to Google Earth, Flickr, MapPoint. We can export to a shapefile, a DXF file or a folder of GPX.

Export to Google Earth can be like a KML file, a file KMZ, a KMZ file with images or as a KMZ file for the Web. The latter solution maintains all thumbnails photos, as well as Exif information and photo captions and a reference to a web server where the images are stored normal. For our castle tours we use this option. GPS for the trip this castle is an ideal solution, because our readers can see large pictures of different castles, KMZ file without being too huge.

Google Earth Kasteel Winnerotte

If ever you're playing with Google Earth before, now is probably a good time yet ownload the program. You can get it here for free. Click on the button that says "Download Google Earth "and not on the blue link that says" Download Google Earth Pro

"Enjoy tours Castle GPS and large photographs

Once Google Earth is installed on your computer (PC, MAC or Linux), you only have to click on the KMZ file for the tour of the castle of your choice. You'll be asked if you want to open with Google Earth or save it to disk. Choose "Open". Google Earth will start automatically, place the contents of the folder "temporary places" with icons and show camera where photos were taken. When after your visit, you close Google Earth, the program will ask you to save items that are in "temporary places". Now you can answer "yes" and the next time you open the program, everything will be there. No need to download the KMZ not yet ranked. Virtual tours with Google Earth Harlue Castle

If you can not (yet) come to Belgium to lead the castle GPS trip, you can do virtual tours with Google Earth. Images from Google Earth for Belgium are rather good quality, which means you see all the details when you fly over our routes castle. On page arrangements of Google Earth we will explain the simple details of how to get the best results.

valuable feedback from our readers
  1. The "arrangements of Google Earth" are based on the latest version of Google Earth. If you are using an older version, some arrangements may not be available.
  2. sometimes left-clicking the KMZ file does not launch the program Google Earth. In this case it is better to right-click the file and save it to disk.
Pay attention to the file extension. This must be. Kmz. Some zip programs intervene and change this. zip. Before saving the file change the extension to. Kmz. If accidentally saved with the extension wrong, you can always rename the file. Now start Google Earth and "Rate" -> "open up" -> file of your choice, and everything should work properly.

For GPS enthusiasts

If you prefer to download our way , goals, or both to your handheld device with GPS, you can download the format of the respective pages GPX tour of the castle. Click on the link GPX file to open it. Then you can make the "File" -> "save as" to save to your computer and later download it to your GPS device. Naming Conventions Tour Castle

Our castle tours have double names . The first part of the name is in the region. The second part is the place to start. Want to use your car navigation system? Château de Saint-Germain

If you prefer to visit only selected castles in each tour or not do not try to follow the tour exactly as we have lines, you can use your car GPS navigator to find the castles. In each tour description we have added street addresses (approximate) for the castles. If you prefer to do this, we recommend that, at least you take a printed overview of the goals, because housenumbers are often not known and some streets or roads are rather long. Excursions to Castle

Full details of the various tours of castle can be found at their respective pages. Let's start with the tour-Haspengouw Tongeren. As can be seen in the name, this tour is located in the region and began Haspengouw in Tongeren. And here you will find the tour-Affected Voeren, located in part of the region and beginning in Voeren Affected. The tour-Hesbaye Burdinne is located in the region and starts in Hesbaye Burdinne. For Your Information

The French word for castle is "Castle" and the Dutch word is 'Kasteel'. While the small country of Belgium is divided into the northern Dutch-speaking part and the southern French speaking part, we meet the two words in the tour of the castle.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Homemade Toy Motor Boat

Welcome to the blog castles belgium

Hi all lovers of Belgian culture and heritage,
thank you to you to join us many on this blog dedicated to the castles of Belgium.

We will try to provide regular information and articles about them.