Castles & Gardens flandres There are more castles per square mile in Belgium than anywhere else in the world. The beautiful castles to experience, formal gardens to lose inside, the abbeys and peaceful historic battlefields await your visit. We would like to suggest some specific locations for your historic journey through the French-speaking Wallonia and Brussels.
Flanders Castles Castle Alden Biesen (Bilzen-RIJKHOVEN) The huge castle-abbey is the largest between the river Loire in France and the Rhine River. The existing brick buildings dating from the mid-16th to the late eighteenth century. There is also a church, a gallery, an orangery, as well as extensive gardens of the French model. It is now a cultural center in the Community Flemish.
Open: Daily from 10:00 - 6: 00 (until 5:00 PM from 1 November - Easter. Closed Monday.).
Castle Beersel (Beersel) Beersel is one of the largest medieval castles in Flanders. The flat landscape has forced the local lord to create a very large gap, high walls and tall towers of impressive compared to other Belgian fortresses of that period.
Open: Daily (except Monday) from 10:00 - 12: 00 and 2:00 - 6: 00 from March 1-November 15 and weekends only the rest of the year.
Castle Castle beersel Gaasbeek (Gaasbeek) This castle lorded over in the past to the city of Brussels in 1240 where citizens took terrible revenge and destroyed. Restored in the 19th century, it contains the 15th & 16th century tapestries of outstanding Th Rubens's will is found in the castle museum, which is set amidst 110 acres of the park.
Open: Daily (except Mondays and Fri) from April to June and September .- Oct. 10: 00-5: 00. Open (except Mon) from July to August daily. Castle Brussels Gaasbeek
Castle Accounts of Flanders (Gand) The construction of the first castle, the foundations of which still remain, certainly dates from the 13th century. The castle contains a crypt, a dungeon a court museum and an exhibition of weapons and armor history.
Open: Daily from 9:00 - 6: 00 April-September and from 9:00 - 5: 00 Oct.-March. Castle Accounts Ghent
Castle Hex (Heks) Hex Castle was built in the eighteenth century and is surrounded by 12.5 acres of formal gardens set in English style park of 150 acres. A collection old botanical roses, the oldest of which date to the original layout of the garden, is of particular interest. Each year the second weekend of June and in September the gardens are open to the public. Castle Hex
Castle - Brewery Ter Dolen (Houthalen-Helchteren) During the middles ages, Ter Dolen was a fortified palace of the abbots of St-Truiden. In 1994 the family brewery Ter Dolen was established in the Annex.
Open: July-August every day and only on weekends from Sept-June
Castle Ooidonk (Ooidonk) This castle Typical Flemish we see today is more or less the same as when it was rebuilt in 1595. The interior redecorated in the Louis XV and Louis XVI models by the artisans of the second empire.
Open: from April 1-September 15 Sun and holidays from 2:00 - 5: 30. Also open Sat in July and August.
The Castle Steen (Antwerp) Located on the port of Antwerp, Steen (stone) was one of the first building made of stone, in the year 1200. Throughout the centuries it was used as a prison and archaeological museum. Today it is home National Maritime Museum.
Open: Tue-Sun from 10:00 - 5: 00.
Castle Wijnendale (Torhout) Since the 11th century fortress Wynendale dominated the plateau Wynendale. The restoration began in the 19th century, the general appearance of a castle in the countryside with the defenses of the water has been maintained as well as some of the old walls and turret of the fourteenth century.
Open: May 15-September 1, Tue, Wed and Sun from 2:00 - 6: 00. Arboretum Gardens
Kalmthout (Kalmthout) A stroll through the dives to 29-acre arboretum you on a journey of discovery of the lush and diverse world of plants. More than 7000 varieties of plants from around the world, borders, rose gardens and flowering gardens of colorful butterfly. Opened: March 15-November 15 daily from 10:00 - 5: 00.
Castle Hex (Heks) Hex Castle was built in the eighteenth century and is surrounded by 12.5 acres of formal gardens set in English style park of 150 acres. A collection of old botanical roses, the oldest of which date of the original layout of garden, is of particular interest. Each year the second weekend of June and in September the gardens are open to the public.
National Botanic Garden of Belgium (Meise) This paradise for nature lovers is a royal estate history extending over 227 acres. The endless walks lead by walking outdoors collections of medicinal plants, herbaceous plants, shrubs, trees and conifers. Another world is the palace said the factory, a huge greenhouse covering 2.5 acres with over 10,000 plant species unusual plants including America, Africa, Asia, New Zealand and Australia. "
Tour Operator in the U.S. and other useful links .
Open Gardens Open Gardens
Association of Belgium (gardens open from Belgium) organizes tours of private gardens. The gardens can be visited from March to October, the dates of the next set time (no reservations required) or by appointment. Groups should always exit by appointment, dates of visit of the public. Ltd. for Europe destinations (travel and tours). For tours of castles and gardens Dream it Detailed information on Belgian castles including, packages, accommodations, tours and more.
Garden Tours The tour custom designed specifically for garden writers taking place in Belgium and Holland. Tulips and Windmills Cruise Several tour operators offer cruises and barges inspired floral small boat across Belgium and the Netherlands.